Sunday, October 31, 2010

t minus 1 hour


I've decided on a title - for now - "Omega" - as in omega level for the underground fighting. Reminds me a bit about mass effect, but that's okay. Alpha, beta, gamma for the official - and omega for the underdogs. woot!

50 mins to go, then I can finally start!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

T minus 1:6:8:57

Wow, only 30 hrs until the start of NaNo2010!

I'm nowhere ready - and at the same time feel like I'm vibrating with words needing to spill onto the screen. The outline is still sketchy but I like to stay fluent; everything except the end is clear in detail, and only a few major decisions have yet to be made. I guess I'm as well-prepared as I am going to get!

I'm really looking forward to this - the 1667 words a day don't scare me. I know that when things flow I can easily manage a week's worth of work on each weekend - and depending on how much time I will spend procrastinating and with my other projects, I expect to be done with the NaNo wordcount well ahead of the 25th for validation. I still don't know how long I want the novel to be - 100k is I think a realistic goal, but the writing progress will tell soon.

Last year I kept notes - I don't know if I should do so again or not. On the one hand they helped, on the other I felt foolish and restricted jutting down a few words when the elaborate ploys were way clearer inside my head. Keeping character profiles might be more along the lines of what seems useful. Online.

The only thing I'm lacking still is a title - for some reason, I like "Delta Challenge". Then again I'd have to explain just how we get to delta - which in my head makes sense. And challenge, well, it's a challenge. Of sorts. Of the mind. Of the limits.

Now I really want to start writing. Damn.

Friday, October 15, 2010

T minus 17 days

Where did the last year go? Argh!

Now it's mid October again - new story idea is lined up, and except for a few details complete in my mind. No real outline yet, but I want to keep it fluent. I figure it will come down to about 100k - 50 in Nov, 50 until Christmas. I'm very excited about it - can't wait to start it, indeed.

Might even make it to one of the NaNoWriMo meetings in Vienna this year. We'll see!